Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14th..

Ohhh its a month to valentines day..a day that hallmark invented to make a profit from love and lust. Its Crazy i never did get into it really. But everyone feels special when they get a card right..well i do. I guess you could call me a hypocrite! :P

Thats enough about that its a month away....

Christmas has ruined my model like figure and i look more like Daisy the cow..ok that a lie i never had a model like figure. Anyway kudos to me i decided to do something bout it and my new thing is weight watchers. I annoy people constantly with wanting to know fat content and calories in food so i can calculate my points. God I am a pain but i'm adamant to stick to this..Although as i write my mouth waters at the thought of some dominos pizza. *Shakes off the desire to eat takeaway which equals like 100000 points*

My second weigh in is tomorrow night and i will let ye know if i have lost anything in my first week of healthy eating. A week isn't much though.

My other half is going through a similar ordeal actually, she has given up smoking so she too gets mad craving although mine are for fatty foods and hers are for nicotine. We are supporting eachother every step of the way.

I haven't actually thought about what my goal weight would be..guess much skinnier than i am now. I feel colossal next to the majority of my friends. I don't like that feeling.

Anyway enough about my insecurities and paranoia, my brother has recently moved to Germany and left an empty void in my life. I miss him much more than i thought i would. He's the reason i even startd a blog, so any complaints to Stephen.

I'll leave you with this thought,

Is anyone perfect?


Stephen said...

Claire, what a fab post, keep it up!!! :D

Will link from my blog!

Miss u!

ClaireBear said...

thanks steve...:)